To you my fellow seniors, no farewells nor goodbyes, someday we shall meet again to start a new day onward to a greater goal… till that day my friend…
Long story short
Once more the important day has arrived, the day which will mark the harvest of our hardships, sufferings and doubts. It will be likewise fitting to mention scores of students who, despite harvesting “sour grapes” in the past, made it.
Memories of our four years within the confines of EHS walls. All the tedious work and seemingly unending piles of paperworks had to be endured. it did not matter what day and what time it was. What mattered was to get things done and they had to be done in good taste at that. There were times when to sleep would just be a waste of time. One also reckons the time when everything seemed to fail.
Times came when going to the examination room would mean being guillotined. This complex affected many a student. Instead of having a room for concentration, the mind was crowded with fears and an avalanche of negative thoughts. Anyway, these perhaps are all part of the training. After four years, the self-confidence formula would have helped, despite the countless failures and defeat, one would boast that the victory has arrived.
In our four years of togetherness, we have discovered the need of friends, the risk we take in developing friends, the obligations we assume and the sense of well-being we expand in the give-and-take relationship. And now the day has dawned for us to PART. Our years have elapsed, gone shall be our happy days, spree…our blunder mistakes. In spite of our “faux pas,” EHS remains behind us.
It molded us into what we are now. It established the foundation upon which our present ideals and philosophy lie. The training ground reinforced us. It armed us with many paraphernalia that would make us a total person. This bivouac, really caused untold grief and gnashing of teeth. Nevertheless, it made us strong and equipped us with a means to fight in the battle of Life.
Four long years have finally culminated. The rise of varying feelings. A senior can be heard saying, “Four years seemed to be just like yesterday, arriving so soon when it felt like an eternity before.”
It is indeed sad to see us crossing different paths of destination. Now we solely have the reminiscences of our yesteryears. Graduation is here, let’s not forget our profound gratitude to HIM – our sole inspiration.
We bid farewell to our Alma Mater. Have time to remember EHS – our molder of aspiration and endeavors that we have been a part of her premises.
To you my fellow seniors, no farewells nor goodbyes, someday we shall meet again to start a new day onward to a greater goal… till that day my friend…
Give And You Shall Receive!
"For it is in giving that we receive." - Saint Francis of Assisi.